6 Future Technologies India can benefit from

The New York Times has listed 32 technologies that will change our lives in the future. Quite a good enthralling list. The ones that attracted my attention were the ones that make sense from an Indian context.

  1. It talks of shirts that convert the differences of heat across body parts of the wearer into electricity that can be used to charge mobile devices for instance.
  2. Cars that are fitted with devices to communicate with adjacent cars on a highway and self regulate speed to ensure de-congested roads
  3. Cycles that have their chain gear system replaced with crankshaft and rod based systems to convert human energy more efficiently
  4. Sensors on the teeth that prompt you to go visit the dentist when levels of plaque causing bacteria shoot up.
  5. Computer screens that use web cameras embedded in them to alert a computer user to correct his sitting posture the moment it detect slouching
  6. Food packaging which is edible by itself. You can either consume it or dispose it in which case it still is biodegradable.
A lot of these innovations should change the society into a cleaner, sustainable mode of living on our planet.

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Busy Boy said…
Thanks a lot for writing such an informative blog article. Such steps can surely make a revolution within the Information Technology Sector of India.
Busy Boy said…
Thanks a lot for writing such an informative blog article. Such steps can surely make a revolution within the Information Technology Sector of India.