INVITE Students for E-Governance Participation

e-Governance will be a reality sooner than later if the latest scheme adopted by the Karnataka state government captures the imagination of engineering students across the state. IBM (International Business Machines), BITES, (Board for Information Technology Education Standards) a state government board under the aegis of Department of IT, Karnataka have come up with an innovative measure to tap the huge engineering student resource in the state's engineering colleges to develop projects for e-Governance.

The program dubbed INVITE - Initiative to Nurture a Vibrant Information Technology Ecosystem, calls upon final year engineering students to work on projects for e-Governance that cater to different departments in the government. The government has also given 22 project areas that can be utilized by students as the basis for the projects. Sample areas include G2C (Government to Citizen) and G2B (Government to Business) projects

  • Anganawadi - Women & Child Welfare department
  • PROFIT - Portal for Regular Faculty Improvement & Training, Department of Collegiate Education
  • SSAS - Sarva Sikshana Abyaan Software
  • SPTS - Sports Performance Tracking Software, Youth Services Department
  • Agriculture Information - Comprehensive Agriculture Information Kiosk (CAIK) - Department of Agriculture & Horticulture

Each project would be evaluated by a panel of judges that would comprise of members of BITES, IBM and Department of IT, Karnataka.

IBM has provided the necessary e-Mentors who the students can consult via e-mail to clarify and overcome technical obstacles. IBM also has thrown open its huge e-Resources that the students can refer to. The official site also lists open source freeware that students can make use of to develop their projects. The entire exercise aims at providing students an opportunity to work on real projects of social and e-governance significance, provide the government with industry validated software to roll out e-Governance projects and finally provide an industry giant like IBM the opportunity to nurture young talent and provide for their career progression.


Anonymous said…
This is really a good article
Known said…
I've written the definition of eGovernment in wikipedia.

"eGovernment is the application of information and communications technology to enhance the effectiveness of a legislature, judiciary, or administration, either to improve efficiency or to change the relationship between citizen and government, or both. The primary delivery models are Government-to-Consumer (G2C), Government-to-Business (G2B) and government to government (G2G)."

Some tips if you want to contribute to eGovernance in India.
1. Citizen is the customer in eGovernance
2. Resistance is futile when dealing with government
3. Create a team consisting of a Farmer (because 72% of Indians live in villages), Labour Union Leader, Industrialist and a government Official and put forward your eGovernance proposals to them. Comply with their feed back
4. When in doubt present your proposals to parliament for decision

Vijay said…
It would have helped the readers of India IT Pulse if you could have specified any particular channels thorough which new e-Governance ideas, initiatives can be put forth to seek government's attention. I can think of the the Department of IT as suitable channel ? Do any other channels exist that you are aware of ?