Outsider perspective into Indian IT

A foreigner's perspective that chronicles the radical changes sweeping across the Indian IT landscape is invaluable. For a moment, it lets us put aside the thousands of inefficiencies we see in the working of the Indian IT tech startups and focus on what is being done right that is allowing the likes of Wipro, Infosys, TCS, Satyam, HCL, Patni, Mindtree, Aztec, etc to compete effectively with the turf protectors like IBM, Accenture, Cap Gemini, etc

One such view is provided by Business Week journalist, Steve Hamm, who has kept tabs on the IT growth in India since 1989. One of his books, Bangalore Tiger, tells the story of Wipro Technologies. Though I am yet to read the book, I stumbled upon an excerpt of the book on Rediff.

Titled 'How Wipro turned defeat to victory', it tells the story of what the top management at Wipro did in 2003 after losing a deal from a big European travel agency. It details the policy change, the radical new steps and the eventual win back of the deal from the same customer. The quote that captures the essence of the article is the one from Vivek Sharma, a senior business development manager, "If you bring in value, you may have a short-term [negative] impact [on your billings]. But in the long view, you'll get benefits from that."

Read it here
