We can SaaSify for you...

Back in the industry after my MBA, I realize that the industry jargon I was used to 16 months prior to embarking on my MBA journey has been completely replaced by a whole new set of jargons thanks to the Web 2.0 revolution that picked up pace during this periods.I was attending a teleconference when one of the technical people remarked, “Don’t worry, we can saasify that in no time”. I was confounded. What in the world did he mean when he said “Saasify”. What I initially dismissed as a wrongly pronounced variation of ‘satisfy’ turned out to mean ‘We can convert your product into a SaaS enabled product – a software that can be offered as a service to the client’. Phew !! A verbalized word to describe in simple terms the capability we possess.

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Anonymous said…
Haha! That's funny! Just like how the world has become increasingly "webbed" i.e. everything is on internet now. Here's introducing the discovery of the IT world of words!! :P