comScore rates websites and portals across the world. My need of the hour was to find some Indian player who was doing something akin to comScore albeit with a India focus. Thanks to my friend at AlooTechie, one of his newsletters contained just that.
ViziSense does just what I needed. Categorize Indian websites into 21 different categories and lists the websites as per their rank. This rank is based on the Unique Users (UU) who visit them in monthly.
What’s sure to tickle your grey cells more is that you can drill down further for any website and get demographic, geographic traffic data for users. I drilled down on Rediff and it gave me a plethora of data and even something unique like stating that the Confidence Factor on this site’s data is high.
The other interesting aspect is a further drilldown available on the sub domains of Rediff.
How does Vizisense do all this? They have a tagging methodology where the respective site owners are given a unique HTML code that they embed in every page on their site. When Internet users access these pages, a trigger alert is sent to Vizisense that captures the best available data on the user.
What's more…You can register your site too… and get it shall I say “Vizisensed”?